• Defensive Much?: Boston wins in High Scoring PWHL Finals Game One

    Written by Laura Everett and edited by Abbi Holt  This was not the game that anyone expected.  This was likely not the Finals that anyone in the PWHL leadership likely expected. None of the Canadian teams made it through in this deliberately binational league. And neither of the top two regular season teams in Toronto…

  • Boston Sweeps Montreal in PWHL Playoffs: Draws Minnesota and home ice in PWHL Finals

    Written by Laura Everett What are we playing for? This question is before the PWHL all season. Sometimes, the response feels forced, as players are fed pre-packaged answers about playing for the next generation.  PWHL branding says, “ice-time, earned.” Men just get ice time. But the reality of sports has been that women have to…

  • From Escape to Empowerment: Afghan Women Soccer Players Find Refuge in Boston.  

    By Parastou Ashori; Edited by Abbi Holt Photo: Laura Everett; Refugee soccer tournament Foladi and Zafari attended hosted by Soccer Without Borders a charity they have been involved with since arriving whose mission it is to help refugees settle and build community through soccer.   In the midst of turmoil, two young Afghan women, Fatima Foladi…

  • The Case for White Stadium

    By Abbi Holt Edited by Margaret Dalton In all the discourse around the renovation of White Stadium and the pro soccer team that would share the field with the Boston public schools, the perspective I have yet to see is my own, one of a neighbor who is excited about the project. When I first…

  • Boston Finds a Winning Combination

    Written by Abbi Holt; Edited by Laura Everett Photo by Andrea Cardin/Freestyle Photography; shared with permission of the PWHL Boston’s last home game was a 4-1 mess against PWHL NY. Everyone was in agreement. In post-game interviews (link to prev. story) players clearly were already reliving and rethinking their actions on the ice, and were…

  • At Center Ice: Boston Beanpot Wins

    By Laura Everett, edited by Abbi Holt Boston, Mass. – This is what we deserve.  The 4k video screens at the center of TD Garden are 18 feet x 32.5 feet, nearly double the previous size before their 2021 rehabilitation. These screens are dubbed “Hub Vision,” self-proclaimed for both their centrality above center ice and…

  • Op-Ed: For Herself Alone: Women’s Hockey and the Unjust Burden of Little Girls

    op-ed by Laura Everett “Future PWHL player” the sign in the stand reads, and a ruddy-faced girl child in an oversized hockey jersey peeks above the sign. Catnip to nearly every cameraman and beat writer assigned to the inaugural matches of the Premier Women’s Hockey League.  She was in every sell-out arena. Every home game.…

  • White Stadium Vendor Diversity Meeting

    Boston Unity Soccer Partners and the City of Boston can celebrate another win: after the contentious community transportation meetings of September 27 and October 4th, the November 29th meeting on supplier diversity and community benefits was a surprising change.  Over 110 people showed up to the online-only meeting led by Mayor Wu’s staff with markedly…